Sunday 20 January 2013

TBL project

The thing I wanted to focus on the most in my TBL project was completing the things that were on my list. I made an effort to at least complete half of what I put down onto the list. I did not add a completed or not completed in the video because I think it is pretty self explanatory. One thing that I will apologize for is the lack of rehearsal and variation in scenery, I had only one day to do this so I dint get around to much. The reason I didn't add in places I want to go was because of the focus on completing things. If I were to have added travelling in to the project I think it would have become side tracked. That sums up my authors note so enjoy.

note: My bucket list tuck up to much space so I put it a separate blog post.

How I will be going about tackling things off my bucket list is by taking my time and doing them over the course of my life, because unless I find out I only have something around 21 day to live, I will have lots of time to do the things I have always hoped to do. Seeing people go around on a whim and do the things they want to do is inspiring, but at my current stage in life I am not ready to go around the world. What I will do is make sure I do the things that are available to me now, so when the time comes that I do my own thing I do not become side tracked from .

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